MIT and LIT Study Group

Thursday 26 February 2009

Genesis 2

There is much, much more about this chapter that could be said than the following;-

Observation 1: The location of Eden has never been definately established - some assume that it would have been in what is now northern Iraq, where the current Euphrates and Tigris flow - but there are arguments that these rivers would have changed course after the flood. In many ways it doesn't really matter where Eden was located, except that we know it was somewhere.

Observation 2: It is not good for man to be alone. This is still true today and although in this particular instance, God is referring to Adam as a man being alone, it is also not good for women to be alone either. Alone is not the same as single - it is important for us to have good godly friends who we can spend time with. People were designed for relationships - both the girl/boy type of relationship and also just hanging out with friends. We know this because we are created in the image of God, and even God is in relationship - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Being alone is not healthy, and if you feel isolated and alone, you need to recognise this and search for help.
posted by Nick Cowan at 01:38


( re pasting my comment here )

chapter 2

the part In Genesis 2 where we find man made out of dust and Gods own breath of life

and when God allows adam to name all the beasts of the air and sea

its amazing to see the close relationship between God and man before the fall

and How later on ( the new covenant) we regained that relationship, that we now have that once again

its intense to see , that this is how man should be.

intense is defnintely the word, i mean this is God, (The creator of all things),and he is giving man authority over animals.

just woahhh dudee



26 February 2009 at 17:56  

cool comment, danjo

28 February 2009 at 14:26  

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