MIT and LIT Study Group

Friday 27 February 2009

Genesis 3

Observation 1: Adam was there.

It is important to remember that Adam was with Eve throughout the fruit-of-the-tree-of-the-knowledge-of-good-and-evil (don't call it an apple!) debacle. He stood by whilst the serpent talked to his wife, he allowed her to take the fruit and eat it. And after she had done so, he joined in. Arguably, Adam's first sin was not eating fruit, but it was not protecting his wife from the serpent. We know this because God confronts Adam about the situation - He calls Adam, and confronts him about hiding and being naked - God asks Adam if he had eaten of the tree, not Eve - it was Adam's responsibility to protect his family, and he failed.

For women reading this, it's also to note that Eve shouldn't have jumped in and tried to lead the family - perhaps if she had consulted her husband rather than just marching ahead, then the story would have been very different. God curses woman later for this attitude 'and your desire shall be for your husband' - specifically, this refers to the husband's position rather than any other definition.

Observation 2: God's grace

God has given the man and the woman the freedom to choose their own destinies. He has provided warnings because actions do have consequences - we just decide in the moment when we sin, that the sin in front of us is more attractive than the fear of the consequence that lies ahead.

God gives warnings 'you will die' but when it comes down to it, He doesn't kill them - He shows mercy, but because they have sinned, there are consequences, and God can no longer walk with them - for He cannot be with sin. And so God curses the man and the woman as according to their roles - provider and child-bearer and He then throws them out of the garden. But in all this, He shows grace and mercy to them - God wants us to come back to Him in love - fear because of what He could do, but love because in spite of that, he is graceful, merciful and loving toward us.
posted by Nick Cowan at 01:08 0 comments

Thursday 26 February 2009

Genesis 2

There is much, much more about this chapter that could be said than the following;-

Observation 1: The location of Eden has never been definately established - some assume that it would have been in what is now northern Iraq, where the current Euphrates and Tigris flow - but there are arguments that these rivers would have changed course after the flood. In many ways it doesn't really matter where Eden was located, except that we know it was somewhere.

Observation 2: It is not good for man to be alone. This is still true today and although in this particular instance, God is referring to Adam as a man being alone, it is also not good for women to be alone either. Alone is not the same as single - it is important for us to have good godly friends who we can spend time with. People were designed for relationships - both the girl/boy type of relationship and also just hanging out with friends. We know this because we are created in the image of God, and even God is in relationship - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Being alone is not healthy, and if you feel isolated and alone, you need to recognise this and search for help.
posted by Nick Cowan at 01:38 2 comments

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Genesis 1

Note: I'm only going to make one or two observations per chapter - otherwise these posts will take up too much time. 

Observation 1: God has always been

Genesis 1:1 'In the beginning, God created....' The way that this is put clearly points out that God was there first. 'In the beginning, God...' not 'In the beginning, there wasn't a God, and then there was...' but that there was God, and then God set about creating. The 'Beginning' is the beginning of creation, not the beginning of God. The reason for this is that there has always been a God and always will be. So before time, there was God, and in the beginning of time, here is what God did.

Observation 2: God is spirit

Because God exists outside of time and space, He is not a physical 'person' in the same way that we are - He is spirit. 
posted by Nick Cowan at 16:12 0 comments

Welcome to the LIT MIT Study group

Hi Guys,

As we're all walking through Genesis together, we thought we could create a blog where people can come and ask questions and make comments about what you're learning. I've also plugged in a chat window so you can talk.

Have Fun!

posted by Nick Cowan at 06:25 0 comments